Bikini Newhalf Beni Sisaki

Beni Sisaki is back on Shemale Japan in another hot video and she looks amazing as she slips into her cute bikini and pours water all over that smoking hot body. This girl is a natural amazement and a Newhalf I would love to meet. She is just so pretty and when she slips into the water and her cute girl cock pops out from the water you know you just want to be in that tub with her. Feeling her tight ass in your hands and placing her on top of your hard cock.

Beni Sisaki now has 6 movies and 6 photo sets on Shemale Japan and I am sure we will be seeing more of this beauty. When this site gets a hold of a smoking hot Newhalf Tranny they do not want to let her go and we do not want to see her go. She has a school outfit set, bikini and a set where she is in front of a mirror where it looks like there are two of her, now that would be the ultimate fantasy.

Beni Sisaki